Page name: Silent Screams [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-05-10 00:34:01
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[K then I'm restarting this one affective as of now! April 25th 10:59 a.m. clearly i was bored or really tired at the time x3]

Silent Screams

Here in the night your nightmares and fears haunt your every waking and sleeping moment. The question you ask yourself now is what scares you the most? What here has you crying in the night for the safety of light? What in the end will be your doom and demise? Most importantly, can you save yourself from it or it will be the key to your grave?

Plot: K here's the jist of what this wiki is gonna be about first it'll vary for everyone by how you interpret the paragraph above which will make it interesting. for the most part everyone will have a fear or nightmare somethin that plagues them durin the daylight and especially the night time it can range from almost drowning to being raped or abused and your character will face the fear well if you want your character to do that tis up to you


1. be nice to people
2. your character will have a fear somethin that would bring them to their knees crying or such
3. no racial slurs or deragatory stuffs k unless you bring in a character that uses it only against your own character k
ex: if i bring in gackt's dad as a character for a moment he may use deragatory slurs only against gackt no other characters
4. any and all sex will go here silent screams: not so silent x3
5. use this to create your character:

Description: [pic is optional if you do use a pic please put it at the end of your character profile and mention it here say look at pic]
Fear: [what haunts your character]
Other info: [for anything i may have missed or if your character has mutations or such]

6. have fun fools and invite people who you'd think would like this to


Silent Screams Characters <----

Characters go here foolz :D

Characters: [ur username and ur character(s) name(s)]

[Tis gone but never gone] as Michelle Winters and Gareth Jones
[GlassCasket] as Daniel Riley and Anatoly
[Ritsuka-Kun] as Gackt Camui, Kira, and Kuja, raven
[ArtworkA] as Trace cyrus and Alexandria
[Legendary] as heatra
[HeAVenShallBuRN] as Yog`Sarron
[wolvie]as Bruce Dickinson and his puppy Baxter

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Username (or number or email):


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2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles heading off to class

Kira looks around the store

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Bruce stretches and pets baxter

Nick smiles softly then looks around also

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira 'ya know ive never been in here before'

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Nick smiles, 'me either it's nice'

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiles back nodding 'yea it is'

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Nick, 'so where do you work?'

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiles 'nowhere at the moment but im lookin'

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Nick, 'you ought to apply here'

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiles 'i dunno if i'd be any good here'

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Nick smiles back, 'why?'

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira shrugs 'i dont know' she smiles 'fine i'll apply'

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Nick smiles back, chuckling silently

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled and applied for a job.

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Nick smiles

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled back 'there happy i applied'

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Nick nods, 'good job'

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira giggled then eeped as Kuja tossed a piece of paper at her 'thats my brother kuja'

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Nick jumps two then looks over and smiles, 'hi'

2010-05-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja waves 'hey'

Kira giggles 'he's an odd one my brother'

2010-05-05 [wolvie]: Nick smiles, 'he seems ok'

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly left Bruce's house in a hurry. He didn't know where he would go but he left anyway. Now he was jogging around the park.

Daniel jogged off to class, "Freaking Psychology..." He mumbled sitting in the back and leaning against the wall with his hood down. He wore his white trench coat with chains and a white undershirt. His pants were white sweats.

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle walked into the psychology class. She wore skinny jeans, red blouse and killer heels. She had her black leather bag over her left shoudler. She put a lock of her hair behind her ear as she looks for a place to sit.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Baxter manages to sneak out of the house and runs after Anatoly, panting softly

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Daniel looked at Michelle, "Hey, I have this row to myself. Need a chair?" He asked smiling and patting the one next to him.

Anatoly looked back then forward, "Go home baxter."

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle looked over at Daniel."Sure." she walked over to the back row and sat next to him. She pulled out her note book and a pen from her bag.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Baxter frowns, 'where you goin? i forgives you it's ok'

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Daniel smiled and leaned back, "So, have you ever had massage therapy done? You were really tense until i started working your nerves." He stated pulling his trench coat's hood over his face.

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly looked at him, "Forgive me for what?"

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."Nope. Never had the time." She sighed and pulled her long brown hair into a lose bun.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Baxter, 'member when i accidently peed on your leg and you punted me? it's ok i still love you don't run away'

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly kneeled down, "It's fine, I am not running, I'm searching."

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Baxter, 'can i come with? i wanna be a big brave doggie'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira hummed going to psych class waving at daniel "hi you"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Daniel smiled and patted the seat on his other side, "Well hi." He said smiling and waving, "You both need one." He said to Michelle.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira giggled sittin next to daniel "ive been tryin to find you wanted to return your hoodie" she pulled her skirt down so it wouldnt ride up to much but it was hard with her wearin a mini skirt.

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle looked at Daniel."You want to give me a massage? Why?"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Nick sighs a little then starts walking, he wasn't surprised to find he didn't get the job and decided he'd try in the next city

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja poked nick's shoulder.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Nick jumps, turning warrily, thinking it might be an attack then smiles a little in relief, 'don't do that'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja chuckles 'mai bad sorry'

Gackt hummed he decided to skip class headin back to bruce's

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly shrugged, "I need to find Gackt."

Daniel smiled and watched Kira then turned to Michelle, "Not just you, both of you. You are way too tense and i think you both should relax a little." He said looking between them, "And keep the jacket." He said with a smile.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Nick smiles, 'it's ok'

Bruce is taking a nap on the couch, he'd just gotten back from flying and needed a quick nap

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Baxter wooofs, 'i can find him watch' he sniffs and tries to find gackt's scent

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle rolled her eyes."Whatever."she opened ehr note book.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja smiled back 'so whats up buddy'

Gackt eeped as he tripped tryin to make it to his room.

Kira smiled back "ive never had a massage kuja wouldnt let anyone close enough"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Nick, 'just getting ready to leave'

Bruce jumps, "I didn't do it!" he says sleepily

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja 'awe dont go'

Gackt rubs his knee "i know you didnt"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Nick shrugs, 'gotta fnd a job'

Bruce rubs his head, sitting up, "Wha happen?"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja 'well ya wanna work with me?'

Gackt "i tripped thats all"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Nick, 'doing what?'

Bruce, "Oh you ok?"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja 'i work at a grocery store'

Gackt smiles "yea im ok"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Nick, 'what could i do? i can't hear or talk'

Bruce smiles back, "Good"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja 'well i run cash register you can bag the groceries'

Gackt "sorry for wakin ya up"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Nick nods, 'ok'

Bruce stretches, "It's ok I needed to get my lazy ass up anyway"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja smiles 'lets get a job then'

Gackt smiles "alright then"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Nick smiles back a little, 'right'

Bruce smiles back, "Where's my dog? you seen him?" he frowns, "Baxter?"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly laughed, "No chance ya weird little...whatever you are." He said tossing his combat knife into the air and catching it.

Daniel rubbed Michelles shoulder's gently rolling his thumbs over a very sensitive nerve on her neck and putting pressure to loosen it up giving him quick access to one of the most pleasurable nerves known, "Whatever is not a very nice answer." He said, "How aboout a yes?" He asked with a smile, "I can give you one too Kira."

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle froze."yeah well I'm not a nice person." she whispered as she tryed not to smack Daniel. But she couldn't help but arche her back a little but she bit back a moan.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Baxter lowers his ears, 'but i can be brave and i'm a pure breed mongrel'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled back "well sure i'd love one"

Kuja smiled heading to his job.

Gackt "im not sure"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Nick follows after him

Bruce frowns, "Huh...oh well he's gotta be around somewhere"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Daniel smiled and pressed into her nerve a little more causing a shockwave of pleasure up her neck before he let go, "Maybe we could go somewhere else? Learning hurts my head." He said with a chuckle.

Anatoly laughed again, "If you can find Gackt and somehow convince him to learn how to defend himself, Then i will admit to your bravery." HE said and patted his head.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: kuja smiled talking with his boss for a moment 'you got a job when can you start?'

Gackt nods "yea"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira giggled "like where?"

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle's eye twiched a little."You know sometimes Daniel I really want to smack you. And of course learning hurts your head it's cause you don't have a bian"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Nick, 'now'

Bruce nods and frowns a little, worried about the dog

Baxter then wags his tail and woofs, sniffing around carefully, 'this way!' he managesto follow Gackt's scent back to Bruce's and claws at the door whining

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Daniel smiled at Michelle, "I know, but i have a small brain or else i couldn't have done that to you." He said with a wink then turned to Kira, "My roommate moved out, We could go there." He said smiling.

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly looks at the door, "You just went home." He said with a grin and knocked.

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle sighed."I really really want to smack you."

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja smiles 'you can start tomorrow then'

Gackt opened the door "hey baxter"

Kira smiled back "sounds like a plan"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Nick smiles back, 'ok thanks what time?'

Baxter wags his tail all proud like, 'oh really?' he aks Anatoly then hops up into Gackt's arms

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja 'from 10 to 7 if thats ok'

Gackt giggles "well hi to you too"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Nick nods, 'sounds perfect thank you'

Baxter smiles, 'you gotta let him learn you so i can be a brave puppy'

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly nodded, "Besides that was only half of the task."

Daniel smiled at Michelle, "You are more than welcome to come too." He said standing up and offering Kira his hand, "You know where it is Michelle."

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."Yeah I'm not that stupid, Daniel." she rolled her eyes."And plus I'm not into that whole thrid wheel thing."

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja smiles 'well alright'

Gackt smiles "you're a brave puppy whether or not i learn"

Kira smiled taking his hand standing up.

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Daniel shrugged, "I never said you had to be a wheel, you could just be another gear, like us. Then maybe we'd all be happy." He said and then left with Kira, "So, you've never ever had a massage?" He asked.

Anatoly went inside and sat down on the couch listening. He thought he heard a car outside but he wasn't sure yet.

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle rolled her eyes."yeah right." she looked down at her note when she got a call. She sighed and picked up ehr cell."hello?"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled "nope never you've met kuja right? that should explain everything"

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle sighed."Right I'll be there." she put her cell, pen and note book in her bag and walked out of class. She ran down the hallway past Daniel and Kira as she called Gareth."Gareth I need your help."

Gareth."What kind of help?"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira tilted her head

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Daniel stopped walking too and listened to Michelle and Gareth, "It does..." He said with a smile.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled back "so i havent done alot of things because of him"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Baxter whines, 'but antoly said i'd only be brave if you aggreed, please?'

Bruce sighs in relief, "Baxter there you are"

Nick, 'see you then'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "fine i agree"

Kuja nods 'see ya'

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."The mimi whore got in troble and is now in jail."

Gareth sighed."i swer our family is fucked up.What did Fay do?"

Michelle shook her head."She got into a fight with Bella Jones."

Gareth groaned."Great the mayors daughter."

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Nick nods then walks off

Baxter wags his tail

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Daniel looked a Kira, "One second and i will show you a lot of things." He said then walked up to Michelle and Gareth, "Here." He said giving them a piece of paper sealed with his own mark and the mayor's as well, "Offer this to the mayor and tell him that unless he offered a waiver, there will be many more." He said giving it to Michelle, "He will comply and you won't have any charges pressed at all or any issues for this time." He said.

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly stood up, "Good boy Baxter, you are a brave mongrel i suppose." He said then turned to Gackt, "Come with me." He said walking out of the back door.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira giggled nodding "alright"

Kuja smiles headin to his dorm.

Gackt giggles "such an odd dog" then set baxter down following after anatoly

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle looked at Daniel."You where listen in on us?" she frowned."And Fay desvices what she gets cause she was sleeping with Bella's husband. I was only going to go down with Gareth to try and talk some sence into my sister not to help her."she looked hurt that he would listen in on her convo with her cousin.

Gareth."Daniel this isn't your buisness. Come on Mich." he took Michelle's hand and he walked away with her.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce, oh i gotta see this he follows the two outside

Baxter wags his tail happily

Nick gets to the park and lays on a bench, yawning tiredly

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Daniel sighed, "Look, I was trying to help, Don't be a prick about it Gareth." He said, "I apologize Michelle but i thought that you might need some help. Nevermind then i'll just go." He said and walked back over to Kira, "Ready?" He asked with a smile.

Anatoly turned to Gackt, "How do you fight?" He asked holding his hands up in a spetsnaz style for an example.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled back "of course let us go"

Gackt "i dont fight"

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle felt shamed that daniel knows about what her family is like.

gareth"Cheer up Mich everything will be fine."

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, watching them

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "normally i just do as im told" he shrugged

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly reached over and took Gackt by the arms, "Like this." He said and quikly manuvered his hands into a basic stance for the spetsnaz. Right over left, "Now, pick up that stick." He said pointing to a stick on the ground.

Daniel took Kira's hand and walked into his dorm, "Sorry about the mess." He said and sat on the bed motioning her to lay down.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt squeaked freaking out a bit when Anatoly grabbed him "let go! let go!"

Kira smiled laying down on the bed "ah i dont mind the mess"

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."yeah right Gareth." she sighed as she got in her car.

Gareth sighed."Your going all emo on me right?"he got in the car

Michelle."Right." she drove to the cop station

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly sighed, "Stop whining! If i wanted to hurt you i would have, now pick the damn stick up." He said rubbing his temples afterwards.

Daniel tried to figure out a way to work around her shirt, "Sorry, i'm not used to working with shirts..."

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Anatoly you play nice or I won't let you do this shit in my household"

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: gareth sighed."Okay then."

Michelle got out eh car and walked into the cop station with Gareth."Yo Mac where is she?"

mac sighed."This away Michelle." he walked down the cells with Michelle and gareth

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shook lightly his timid side was coming out he needed his medication to stabilize him.

Kira smiled removing her shirt "better?"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce frowns, "Gackt?"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly watched him carefully, "He needs medication." He told Bruce, "His pupils are dilated and he is shaking, most likely Dissociative Identity Disorder by the change in his attitude and stance...Maybe Bi polar or Manic depressive too." He said from an evaluation, "Where is your medication?" He asked Gackt.

Daniel smiled at her, "Much." He said sliding his fingers up her back lightly he also unsnapped her bra to get it out of the way. He moved up her back then ran his fingers down a pleasure nerve in her back. Pressing his thumbs and fingers against her bare back he started working the knots out of her nerves. He would work one out then press on it gently to send shockwaves to her brain triggering pleasure spots.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt whimpered as he rushed inside to his room going through his bag.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira gasped lightly biting her lip an occasional moan would escape past her lips.

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle sighed when she saw Fay."Your a mess Fay."

Fay looked at her sister."Michelle get me out of here."

Michelle."No I'm not. Not this time fay. You need to learn from you mistakes or your going to end you like mum. Just an old slap whos up for a easy ride. No one is ever going to take you serious in life."

Fay."At least I'm not a virgin!"

Michelle sighed."Fay I;m getting sick of hearing that line."

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce jumps then frowns and follows after Gackt

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt finds his medication and takes what he needs then starts taking deep breaths to calm his nerves

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth."Fay get a life."

Michelle."Goodbye Fay." she and Gareth walked out the station.

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly sighed and waited paitiently.

Daniel smiled and ran his fingers across a large nerve bunch forcing small waves of pleasure into her mind stimulating her senses.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce, "you ok gackt?" he asks, looking at him a little warrily

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."I need a drink. A big one." She drove back to the college.

Gareth."Piss up in your room?"

Michelle."Yes." She got out he car and walked into the college with Gareth

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nodded "yea im ok" he sighed "im sorry about that usually so good at containing along with my medication.." he frowns "i'd be able to do this if my dad hadnt been physically, emotionally, sexually anyway possible to abused he started when i was like 3..."

Kira cried out softly in pleasure blushing furiously.

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle walked into the dorms."Right I only have vodka abnd whiskey."

Gareth."Ah the strong stuff. Nice." he chuckled as Michelle and him walk past Daniel's dorm.

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Anatoly looked at Gackt, no sympathy but determination, "That doesn't have to happen anymore, just learn what i teach you."

Daniel grinned and slowed his fingers down. His own 'issues' were rising no matter how hard he tried to control it.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce frowns then goes over, putting a hand on his shoulder, "Your fine don't you apologize for it I'm here for you"

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."hey you want to play my new shot game?"

Gareth."Sure why not."

Michelle nods."Okay but I need to get it off Daniel first." she walked back to Daniel's room and knocked."Yo Daniel it's me. I need my shot game back cause me and Gareth are having a piss up in my room. You and Kira can come if you like thats if your not too busy."

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira shivered moaning softly "oh nice..."

Gackt sighed looking up at anatoly "you speak as if its so easy just to get over"

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Daniel stopped moving his fingers and adjusted himself he stood up opened the door and handed her the game, "Don't worry it was only a massage" He said smiling, "We will be up in a few." he said smiling.

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle rolled her eyes."yeah sure just a massage." she took the game."And yeah see you in a few." she shook her head as she walked back to Gareth

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira blushed furiously.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Anatoly shut your big fat fucking mouth about things you don't understand alright" he says with very uncharacteristic coldness

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sighed "I'll be fine i'll get through this eventually i'll learn to fight"

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle and Gareth walked into Michelle's room. Michelle set up the game on the floor then she got the drink out he mini fridge.

Gareth sat on Michelle's bed."Your a mean bitch you know that right?"

Michelle laughed."Oh love you too cuz"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce, "only if you want to Gackt noone and I repeat noone is forcing you into anything so long as your under my roof"

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle got out four clean shot glasses and put them on the shot game. She put four huge pillows in a circle around the game.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "i want to defend myself" he smiles humorlessly "i guess i was just hopin i'd find someone to protect me so i wouldnt have to..."

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle sat on one of the pillows and poured herself a shot of vodka.

Gareth sat next to her and poured a shot of whiskey.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce squeezes his shoulder a little before letting go, "you'll be fine..."

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle."Ready?"

Gareth."I was born ready." He and Michelle down there shots

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "thanks"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back softly, "your welcome ya know I'm here for ya"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "im glad"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles softly, "now you've had a long day mate get some rest"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "alright then"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Night" he says then goes to his room

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "night"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: [the next morning!]

Baxter hops into Gackt's bed, licking his face

Nick doesn't show up to work, he was beat within an inch of his life the night before and was lying in a jail cell, starting to wake up

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt eeps giggling.

Kuja frowned he said he'd be here...somethin musta happened..maybe he'll call here

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Baxter wags his tail, 'wake up ya fool'

Nick sits up slowly, wincing lightly as he looks around, trying to remember what happend and where he was

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggles "Im awake im awake"

Kuja clocked out early for the day goin to look for Nick

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Baxter, 'good' then he curls up and giggles, falling asleep

Nick frowns, i was i'm...what is this a jail?

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled sittin up "so rude"

Kuja asked around nodding "thanks" he heads to the jail.

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Baxter smiles in his sleep

Bruce is up and outside, cleaning his favorite car

Nick goes over and leans on the bars of the cell, looking around and frowning

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt gets up and dressed walking outside.

Kuja "excuse did you happen to bring in a young man last night?"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce sings softly to himself, he had his shirt off and was standing on a stool, trying to get a spot off of the top of the car

An officer nods, "We got alot last night which one you lookin for?"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt blushes watching him.

Kuja "his name would be nick he cant hear or talk"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Stupid bloody pigeon's shittin on my car >.<" he looks over and notices Gackt then smiles, "Oy finally decided to wake up?"

She nods, "Oh yes of course he's just down the hallway and to the left"

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled back "baxter got me up so he could steal my spot"

Kuja nods headin that way stoppin in front of nick's cell 'you ok?'

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce chuckles, "sorry about him"

Nick nods, 'i think so i can't really remember too much of what happend'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "its alright"

Kuja 'i'll get you out of here'

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back and hops down, "Did you sleep ok?" he asks looking around for his shirt

Nick smiles, 'ok'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "yea i slept great" wow...nice chest...wait wait im straight arent i?

Kuja smiles back paying Nick's bail

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Good" he finds his shirt and gets it on "You hungy?"

Nick, 'thank you'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt evil shirt mental note burn all his shirts, thinks then smiles "a little"

Kuja smiles 'welcome'

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "What do you want?" he asks and smiles back

Nick, 'i'll repay you i promise'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "you" he eeps "um im sorry i mean eggs sound nice" he blushes furiously.

Kuja smiles 'no need to bud'

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce blushes a little then chuckles, "Alright eggs it is"

Nick smiles back, 'are you sure?'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggles nodding.

Kuja smiles 'yes im sure'

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, going to the kitchen, "How do you like your eggs?"

Nick, 'well ok'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "scrambled thank you"

Kuja smiles 'lets go get somethin to drink'

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "How many?"

Nick nods, 'ok' he was having some difficulty seeing properly, his left eye was swollen almost shut and all he saw from it was a blur

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "two is fine"

Kuja "lets get ya to a doctor first to make sure you're ok"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, cooking Gackt two eggs then gives them to him, "There ya go"

Nick, 'i don't have money they robbed me'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt starts eating "this is really good" he smiles.

Kuja 'im payin k bud' he chuckles 'and dont you dare argue with me'

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "Well good now else was it you wanted for breakfast?" he asks playfully

Nick smiles, 'fine then'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt blushes furiously ""

Kuja smiles back taking nick to the hospital and gets him checked in

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce chuckles, "Well you know I'm way way older then you"

Nick lets the doctor's look at him, wincing lightly then gets some pain prescriptions and an eyepatch to help his eye

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt blushes more nodding "yea"

Kuja smiles 'there ya go almost all better'

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Awe why the blush?"

Nick smiles back and nods, 'thank you'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt attempts to cover his face with his hair "im not b...b...blushing..."

Kuja nods 'welcome'

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce can't help but giggle at him

Nick, 'and there's nothing i can do to repay you?'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggles "dont giggle at me"

Kuja shakes his head 'nope'

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Why not?"

Nick, 'fine be a jerk' he smiles

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "I dont know"

Kuja smiles back gasping playfully 'i am not'

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle down another shot of vodka."Your gay Gareth." she giggled.

Gareth pushed ehr."'s a secret Michy"

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce goes to reply then sighs when his phone rings, "I don't wanna answer it they'll make me work v.v"

Nick smiles, rolling his one good eye

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "then dont"

Kuja eeped tripping falling into Michelle's door "ow v.v"

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle laughed as she fell back on the ground.

Gareth."Shhh we is gonna wake up teh other staudent..."he chuckled

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce, "But hmmm k" he turns his phone off

Nick jumps, 'you ok?'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggles "they can find someone else"

Kuja chuckles 'yea im ok'

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Yeah they can"

Nick looks around, 'where is this?'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "so well um...whats the plan for today?"

Kuja chuckles 'i believe its my sister's dorm building though i can be wrong'

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle giggles."Okay I'm drunk enough to sleep it off now." she stood up all drunken like and walked over to the bed.

Gareth."Me too." he stood up and walked to the bed

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Errrrrrrrrrr....we don't die?"

Nick, 'whats a dorm?'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggles "well alright"

Kuja 'well its a place college students stay'

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle and Gareth layed on the bed and passed out

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Oooh I know lets errrr..oooh I can teach you how to defend yourself"

Nick nods, 'are you in collage?'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "you wont grab me like that guy did? will you?"

Kuja nods 'yea i am'

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle and Gareth sleep

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce shakes his head, "No I'll try and teach you how to fence it's fun you'll like it"

Nick, 'lucky i'm still trying to get high school credits'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "alright"

Kuja 'i can help ya'

2010-05-06 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "Come on" he leads Gackt to a training room, "Pick out a sword"

Nick smiles, 'yea?'

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nodded picking out a sword "this one"

Kuja smiles back 'yea'

2010-05-06 [GlassCasket]: Aantoly slept in his car out front, "Fucking old bastard..." He groaned getting up and opening his car door. He walked out of the car and banged on the door of Bruce's house. He had a plan.

Daniel slept in his dorm that night. He was beat and too tired to get up. He laid in his bed with Kira next to him waking up slightly.

2010-05-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt walked to the door still carryiing the fencing sword answering the door "hello?"

Kira yawned curling up closely.

2010-05-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle woke up with a huge hangover."Fuck." she rolled out of bed and saw Gareth."Thank god he's gay and my cousin." she walked to her bathroom and went for a shower

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